Friday 8 April 2011

Starting Anew

Okay, I started this blog some time ago and did it on an impulse. My mother tells me that I have the habit of never finishing what I begin and I admit it's true; and so I really would like to start over fresh with this new blog. I will try to make an entry at least once a week if I have time and access to the internet but I'm not promising anything; on the other hand, I may find myself drenched in excessive boredom in a particularly uneventful week and so you might also find several whiney, repetitive entries on subjects I am sure interests no one other than myself.

I'm going to use this blog to help inspire me and to rant, which is usually what blogs are good for, I do in fact have a journal for Extension English which I try to manage, but I have horrid hand-writing and blogs always stay clean, un-dog-earred and don't get lost. Speaking of Extension English, most of my entries will be about or refer to activities within school because I am a student and my life revolves very much around school. I am currently doing Standard English (which is compulsory) but will change to Advanced because I am already doing Extension English which means I automatically get moved up. I do both Ancient and Modern History because History - although very demanding and a lot of hard work - is just so darn awesome! Music is great except theory for music is so boring you cannot even begin to comprehend, I guess some people find it fascinating but I certainly don't! Then there's Graphics Design which is a subject I hold close to my heart, it's always relaxing and seems so detached from other subjects that it sort of is like a whole other world, an escape from desk subjects.

All in all, I'm back and plan to keep this up for a bit. I doubt anyone will read this other than some friends who are bothered or teachers who want to read it for educational purposes like as a student journal, which means everything I write will be totally, socially and politically correct; you may hold me to this promise people!

Last little notice: As you can probably tell from the title of my blog, I am indeed a teenage nerd and very much proud of it... At times...

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